Africa will be back after these messages

This posting brought to you by our official sponsor, Geocaching, the game that some nerds

Devil Horns

Devil Horns

will actually leave their parents basements for. Geocaching is my newest, most recentest, favoritest hobby. I without a doubt have an obsessive personality, so when I find something I like, I do it until it is not fun anymore. What is the point of enjoying something? I would stop looking for things to enjoy if I still enjoyed anything. Duh. Many weeks ago, August 31st to be exact, I set out with my archenemy Josh on an epic day of adventuring, treasure hunting, laughing, falling down, and most importantly, completing milestones.

August 31st marked the culmination of several landmarks in my short geocaching career. I had a personal streak going for just over a year. That means making a find each day, streaking. I was enjoying streaking, but a couple months ago it just go to be too much. I was out making silly finds JUST to keep a streak alive. It stopped being as much fun. I decided to end the streak. Right around that time geocaching came out with an official challenge for the month of August, streak the entire month for 31 days and you could win a…nothing, you could not win anything. You could have bragging rights along with a bunch of other dorks. Count me in! So Josh and I completed August together against both of our better judgments. Then came the final day, August 31st, it was a Saturday, the end of the August streak, and definitely the end of my personal streak. I was leaving for Africa the next day, so there was no way to continue a streak over there. What great timing for an adventurous day out to put an exclamation point on the end of a month, a year, and some personal challenges.

Josh agreed to accompany me to Cunningham Falls Park in the middle of Maryland. I had completed the Maryland all-counties challenge and needed to make my way to Cunningham Falls Park to claim my prize. Again, no actual prize, just a fantastic hike. Josh and I saddled up for a long day of driving and hiking. We left before sunrise and were gone for about 12 hours. This was the beginning of my almost 48-hour awake, hiking, and working marathon. I raised a lot of money for The Useless Parents of Helpless Kids Fund. We made many geocaching finds throughout the day, did about a 6-mile extreme hike, and had a ton of fun. We found the 1 geocache we drove all the way there for, and many others. That day was the end of 31 days of August, a personal 370 day streak, and in hindsight the end of the obsession to make a find every single day. I am glad that has been removed, it was not fun everyday anymore. 340 were fun, the others were me feeding obsession.

I felt like processing some different photos besides Africa. I had these, and hoped there would be some beauts. I am happy with some, but none are breathtaking, unless you count Josh’s rugged, hillbillyish good looks. HERE.
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