London for a Magic Show? That sounds like me in March 2020

Thank you virus for waiting long enough to kick in so that we could still travel as planned. We went to London (and Norway) recently, solely to see a new show. Magic Goes Wrong just opened in London and I have completely fell in love with the Goes Wrong Gang. Then they teamed up with Penn & Teller to make a new show? Of course I am flying to London. The show was amazingly funny. Magic and comedy done completely wrong, yet somehow still doing actual magic. I wish they’d have me in their cast. Maybe when the local show comes to Cecil College.

We have been home from London and Norway for about 10 days, now in social distance mode. Neither of us have any symptoms of the virus. We did get home to the USA just in time. The day after we landed is when they stopped allowing flights and shutting down the countries we were just in. Just by the hair on my chinny chin chin.

HERE is a link to a few pictures from London of the stereotypical tourist attractions.

Luckiest boy in the world strikes again

Us with Penn & Teller

Us with Penn & Teller

Last weekend Wifey and I had the absolute honor and privilege to be treated like royalty at the Penn & Teller show in Vegas. We got to go backstage before and after the show, meet all the key players, hang out and chat, eat some food, and also watch the show from some of the best seats in the house. The cherry on top of it all was a private magic lesson before the show with the legendary Johnny Thompson. He marveled us with a few slight of hand tricks, a few card tricks, and stories of his lifetime in magic. Definitely a top 5 life experience for me. The entire experience made the 10 year old Jimmy inside me giddy for days. With this magic lesson under my belt, look for a bookings sections on my website soon. I’ll be doing children’s parties, bar mitzvahs, funerals, divorce parties, or any fun occasion that you need an entertainer.

A completely unexpected treat for the night was when I got to video Teller doing a coin trick, with an ACTUAL bitcoin for an internet scavenger hunt that Emily Jillette (Penn’s wife) was participating. On top of now being a world-renowned magician, I am also a top tier filmmaker and director. My skill set nearly doubled last weekend. Thank you to anyone that had anything to do with me being able to enjoy this special night. Mainly Wifey for indulging me in my utter and complete nonsense.

Here is the video that I made, hopefully The Academy will recognize this in the documentary category next year.