It makes for pretty scenery, but what a stupid idea. Let’s store this rotting corpse, maybe for later use. Dumb ideas and traditions, let’s move on already.
Author Archives: jimmy
This is who to read about
If you thought the Winter Carnival 2012 was even remotely interesting, then this is the family for you.
I met this family last weekend in Shenandoah National Park. A young couple, there 7 and 9 year old daughter and son, and their dog. All 5 of them hiking the entire 2200 miles of of the Appalachian Trail! Amazing.
Shenandoah National Park May 2014
Pictures are HERE, boring diatribe is below.
Last weekend Charlie and I spent a boys-only, long weekend camping in Shenandoah National Park, Skyline Drive. Wifey was heading out of town to scuba dive, and I wanted to find something fun for Charlie and I. He had never been camping, or even slept outside. Pretty lame for a supposed wild animal. I wasn’t sure how it would go, or if Charlie would hate me for this, but all went fairly smooth. A secondary purpose to this trip was to test out and break in my new camera.
We packed up and headed out from home at 3am. We were inside the park by 6am, the booths were not even open yet. There was a sign in the windows that said, “Welcome, please pay when you leave”. By 7:30am we were geared up and out for our first hike. The weather on Friday was a bit rainy and very cloudy and foggy. There was no sunrise to speak of. Most people would have been unhappy not to be able to see anything from the vista points. Where Charlie and I were, in the woods, walking along the river, the mist and fog added to the overall ambiance and experience. The first hike was amazing and mind blowing. I couldn’t believe how nice this park was. After the first hike we had a nice breakfast and went to find our campground. In short time we had our tent set up and completely modeled our new home for the next couple nights.
Later that afternoon we did another circuit hike to a beautiful vista. After dinner we drove out to a pull off on Skyline Drive to watch the sunset. After being mesmerized by the campfire for a while it was time to see how sleeping in a tent with Charlie was going to work out. It went OK, he was a bit tentative, but realized that I would never do anything to hurt him.
The next morning we were up for the sunrise and then off to a waterfall that we discovered the day before. I wanted to get there before the sun came up and try to get photos of the waterfall in action. A total of 3 hikes this day. On the second hike at the summit we ran into a young couple from Harford County. I told him I lived near him, from Cecil. His response blew my mind. He said, “I figured you were close to me, I saw the Hillside on your car.” 200 miles from home. We finished the evening by hiking out to the edge of the park to watch the sunset. After the sunset we hiked back in the dark with only the light of a headlamp and keen canine sense of smell possessed by my pack leader.
The next morning we woke, made breakfast, and headed home. At the park exit I needed to stop and pay my fee, since they were not open when we entered. The ranger was shocked that I actually stop to pay, said they do not have this happen very often. It was an amazing, rejuvenating, refreshing, perfect life resetting weekend. I can’t wait to go back, I forgot how much I enjoy camping. Pictures HERE.
Temporary housing is not always as bad as it sounds
Yep, there is a bear in that tree
Definitely a new highlight for me in my life. Spent a long weekend in Shenandoah National Park with Charlie the Dog. I can’t wait to find time to write about it more, and go through my pictures…pictures taken with my brand new camera, my prize for winning a photo contest a few weeks ago. I had to get through these pictures ASAP. I saw a bear in a tree, him go up and down a couple times. Amazing to watch nature happen in front of me and not murder me. Here are a few pics.
Step into the freezer
The best part of a sunset is the promise of a sunrise to come. It is exactly the same as a Tweezer. The best thing about a Tweezer is the promise of a Tweezer Reprise in the near future. With a few days on my hands and no curfews, I stayed out late and got up early hoping to practice my photography. Last night’s sunset was fantastic. I did not find anywhere spectacular to go, but I think I made the best of what I found.
This morning Charlie the Dog and I got up early and went straight to the edge of the bay to watch the sunrise. Again, it was nothing mind-blowing, the sky was boring and added no drama for photos. Just being out there with him, all alone in the quiet was a lovely experience. A little bonding time with my best buddy. A few of last night and this mornings pictures are, you guessed it, HERE.
What’s in a name? Who pays attention to that shit?
I spent about an hour last night driving around looking for someplace to try and watch the sunset. It is Memorial Day weekend at the beach shore, so this place is all of a sudden a madhouse. I was not happy with anywhere I found along the water. I found one spot that looked like it would be nice, and then all of a sudden the sky changed and there was going to be no beautiful sunset because of wind and clouds. I gave up, but made one more turn down a canal street into another neighborhood. According to the GPS machine this road definitely dead ended at the bay, and also seemed off the beaten path, so not a bunch of tourists. We got there and voila, it was beautiful and not a person around. It was a weird place to end up. Once I parked I noticed the street name was Sunset Cove Road, who would have thought that a good place to go to watch the sunset?!? There was a giant clearing between a couple houses to make my way to the waters edge. I missed the sunset, but the sky decided to still get beautiful after the sunset, post sunset is sometimes better than the setting sun. I listened to the birds and water and watched the sky for about an hour. Very peaceful, and a reminder of why it’s good to still be alive. A few pictures HERE.
What are you looking at, Horse Face?
If you had a horse, you would want pictures taken too. There was a massive tumble and fall this day, but that fall is unfortunately not captured on film. I asked for a health status before doubling over with laughter. That is the Sellers Family Rule
Sunset at the beach-as boring as it sounds
I got lucky the other night while down at the beach. I went out looking for a great place to photograph the sunset, and I stumbled upon a doozie. A completely empty area right along Route 1. I waited and watched as the sky did dramatic things right in front of my eyes. Lucky me. Pictures HERE.
This makes even me want to walk away from life
I have the greatest life in the world, and this video makes even me want to walk away from life. I am so happy that people make and share these photo videos.