20.5 miles today. Harpers Ferry, WV to the backpackers camp near Middletown, MD. I’m destroyed. Now I lay me down to sleep.
At least I brought a gay gangster for protection.
Last weekend Charlie the Dog and I went to Frostburg, Maryland for an overnight. We camped in a park and hiked both days. In the morning we woke up to completely frost covered ground, in Frostburg, how ironic (yuk). It was mostly a successful adventure. We had a great time with some fun people. I dropped my fancy camera and pack into moving water on Sunday. I panicked, but quickly realized I can’t travel in time, so there is nothing I can do. Thankfully I think only 1 thing is ruined, and it is one of the less expensive things. This weekend a few of us are going to adventure along the Appalachian Trail through the state of Maryland. I doubt I will make it alive. Wish me luck. How about these few great pictures from last weekend?!?
Recently we took a day and went to Harpers Ferry, WV for a day of rafting. It was a beautiful day outside and we were done early in the afternoon. The Appalachian Trail runs right near the area we were, so we decided to take a short walk up to Weverton Cliffs. An amazing view out over the river and land. There is not much better than being outside with people that you can laugh at nonstop. Thankfully my muse was along to bring out my picture taking abilities. A few pictures HERE.